Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Welcoming in the Spring

 The weekend was lovely! The boy and I visited his parents for a family type celebration (the last egg leaving the nest), which was the perfect event for a dress that I love but barely wear. It's spaghetti strapped so I paired it with a new shrug. I have almost no shoes so my black boots had to be my footwear :P

We explored a nearby city, plus I snagged some finds in an outlet store, including my first non-jeans shorts! I can't wait to wear them out.


We also spent the first day of Spring in a butterfly garden! For Bones fans, I felt a bit like Hodgins, trying to convince my man why certain bugs (in addition to the butterflies) were awesome.

Just emerging
from their cocoons

I love frogs!

It's hard to see, but there's a huge iguana on top of a mountain kingdom, and he's not plastic


1 comment:

  1. Wonderful pictures!

    Just stumbled by & I love your blog! :)
    - Audrey Allure <3
